Regen Farmer to join NRCS Blue Ribbon Panel on Agroforestry and Forestry Technology

We are delighted to share that Regen Farmer has been invited to participate in a Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) Blue-Ribbon Panel to advise the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service regarding increasing adoption of forestry technologies to access, plan, manage, monitor, and implement forestry and agroforestry practices.

The potential for agroforestry is really huge and using technology to scale it up is key. We look forward to assist and contribute through the panel and explore how Regen Farmers solutions can assist farmers, regional planners and policy makers to accelerate agroforestry adoption across the US. We are honored to have Regen Farmer be recognized as one of the leading technology providers in the agroforestry industry and look forward to contribute with our expertise and technology.

Our technology makes it easier to plan, finance and manage agroforestry systems for both individual land-owners, regional planners and communities. At is amazing that NRCS recognizes the role technology can play in the adoption of agroforestry and that they see the value in agroforestry in general. From enhancing rural economies and making landscapes more robust to extreme weather, over to increasing profit for farmers and sequestering carbon, agroforestry is really a win-win scenario.