Regen farmer master plan – How we plan to transition 5 mil. ha. to regenerative agroforestry by 2025

We are on a journey towards a more regenerative future. We want to accelerate the transition to regenerative agroforestry. We have set a specific goal of transitioning 5 mil. ha. to regenerative agroforestry by 2025. The ensure that we achieve this goal we have developed a master plan (See the plan here). The plan consist of 4 actions.

  1. Identify best practice farms. Showing farmers around the world how they can implement regenerative agroforestry in their ecoregion. To be able to do this it is necessary to identify current best practice farms in ecoregions where agroforestry is viable. You would be surprised to know that almost every ecoregion HAVE existing regenerative agroforestry solutions. There is just not a collection or classification of these best practice farms. We are working on this. We currently have identified best practice farms fro 10% of the relevant ecoregions.
  2. Develop best practice farms where none is identified. In cases where no best practice solution exist we engage with farmers and partners to develop them. Because we have mapped out the existing solutions we have a structured approach that can help us direct our focus to the areas where best practice farms are in need of development.
  3. Scale best practice farms. Scaling is probably the most comprehensive actions of them all. To achieve the exponential adoption goal of 5 mil. ha. by 2025, we need to use exponential technology. We are currently working on several solutions that utilize technology such as AI, satellites, drones and parametric modeling to enable farmers and organisations across the world to implement regenerative agroforestry best practice farms.
  4. Consolidate transitioned farms. Consolidation of regenerative agroforestry is important because we need to ensure that farmers does not go back to previous practices. So in the long run this is a very important action, because it ensures that the farms that transition to regenerative agroforestry actually keep that system.

This is a rather ambitious plan, but it is what is needed to regenerate the earth. Please join us in this journey!

The Regen Farmer Team

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